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RC CAR 2.0 - Autonomous

Engineering Projects | Feb 2018 - March 2018

This version of the car is an upgrade from the first version. It is an autonomous RC car. I wanted to work on autonomous vehicles and explore how they are made. This project was a great introduction to the topic. Because software is a crucial part of autonomous navigating, I spent most of my time on the software. It is the simplest form of autonomous navigating. This version does not have an obstacle detection, therefore, it will not be able to sense what is around it. However, it does have an ultrasonic sensor which will help it avoid crashes.

Changes made from RC CAR 1.0:
1.    An LED was installed
       This LED displays which location it is heading to and how far it is from it. Of course, it can be modified to display other things like direction/compass in angles and speed. 
2.    915 MHz radio
       A radio with 300ft range helps me understand what the car did, is doing, and is trying to do. As long as the car is within 300ft range, it will send a short message to the base(my laptop).
3.    GPS unit
       GPS plays a crucial role since the whole autonomous system is based on GPS. This particular GPS also has a compass in it, which makes things easier also.

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