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RC CAR 1.0

Engineering Projects | Jun 2017 - Sep 2017

RC CAR 1.0, as its name implies, is an RC car that you can control using a radio remote control. It is based on Arduino UNO. It was built on an old RC toy car’s chassis. I disassembled an old RC toy car to get the chassis for RC CAR 1.0. 

The thing that sets this car apart from any other RC toy car is its ability to avoid crashes. An ultrasonic sensor is installed in the front.  


Here can see me tell the car to go forward and test its ultrasonic sensor. If the distance between the car and whatever in front is about 1ft or less, the car’s engine halts.


A gif here shows me testing its indicative LED and the ultrasonic sensor. Basically, the car has an RGB LED that turns red if the car stops and turns green if the car is good to go. (1).gif (1) (1).gif

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